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How We Work

1,000 Pieces

If you had a 1,000 piece picture puzzle with the pieces dumped on a table in a disorganized pile, what is the most important part of that puzzle? Most might say the corner or edge pieces. As a planner, I would say . . .

How We Work

Setting Successful Goals

Tis' the season for New Year resolutions. Like others, you may be thinking about goals you want to achieve in the new year. Goal setting is a powerful activity; shaping our dreams and giving us the ability to focus on the exact actions needed to meet the desired goal.

After years of acting as a trusted advisor to client’s life goals, we have a few tips on how to set-up your goals for success.


Are You Ready to Head Back to School?

Recently a friend mailed me a postcard with a quote, "The more I know, the less I know." Isn't that the truth? Just because we’re no longer in school, it doesn’t mean our learning should slow down. Lifelong learning can help us...

Life Moments


  At some point in life, most of us decide to downsize. The children have left the nest, the home office is closed for business, scrubbing...