You have a lifetime of decisions — and possibilities.

Imagine having a dedicated financial advisor walking alongside you with a financial plan that you reassess and adjust together as life changes.

Want to have a real-time discussion about your needs?

What you can expect

People come to us for our personal, comprehensive approach to financial planning, investments, and portfolio management. They stay with us because we take the time and care to understand who they are and what they want in life. 

Here’s what working together looks like:

The Johnson Bixby 4 Step Process: 1. Get to know you: At the introductory meeting, we'll learn more about each other and understand if our approach will work for you. 2. Understand your goals: Next, we'll discuss what you want to achieve, talk about your current situation and go over your options to decide the best path for you. 3. Make a personalized financial plan: We'll present you with a financial plan designed to help meet your needs today and reach specific goals and dreams tomorrow. 4. Oversee progress with ongoing advice: We'll actively review and manage your investment portfolio and check in regularly to adjust and make sure you're on track.


Get to know you

At the introductory meeting, we’ll learn more about each other and understand if our approach will work for you.


Understand your goals

Next, we’ll discuss what you want to achieve, talk about your current situation and go over your options to decide the best path for you.


Make a personalized financial plan

We’ll present you with a financial plan designed to help meet your needs today and reach specific goals and dreams tomorrow.


Oversee progress with ongoing advice

We’ll actively review and manage your investment portfolio and check in regularly to adjust and make sure you’re on track.

Let’s create a plan that matches your life.

Money touches practically all aspects of our lives.

We work with you to make a financial plan that helps you maximize income and reach your goals over time. As life changes, we will review and adjust your plan as needed for you to stay on track.

Explore our services:

Retirement Planning

green geometric icon circles, square, quarter-circle

Investment & Portfolio Management

green geometric icon targets, square, and quarter-circle

Tax Strategies & Planning

green geometric icon circles and targets

College Planning & Funding

green geometric icon target and circle and squares

Charitable Giving

green geometric icon target and circle above semicircle

Estate & Legacy Planning

green geometric icon rainbow and quarter-circles

We meet you where you are.

You have a lifetime of decisions to make.

We provide you information and insights to help you make the right choices for you and your loved ones as life evolves.

A snapshot of things we can help you with at various life stages:

a father and daughter coloring

Early Years

For your loved ones

  • Budget analysis
  • Student loan review
  • Retirement plan options
  • Career benefits and compensation review
  • Equity compensation analysis
  • Education fund planning
  • Inheritance planning
a couple on their couch, financial planning on their laptop

Mid Years

For you and your partner

  • Optimized saving and retirement plans
  • Tax and trust strategies
  • Distribution plan for education funds
  • Retirement catch-up
  • Elder care planning
  • Healthcare planning
women going for a walk in their neighborhood

Late Years

For you, for aging parents

  • Funding a passion project
  • Charitable giving endeavors
  • Legacy planning
  • Social security and Medicare reviews
  • Wealth transfer planning
  • Peace of mind
If you’d like to learn more about working with our team, please reach out.

Let’s see if we’re right for each other.

We see our clients as whole people with full lives and unique paths. We take time to ask questions, listen and understand their unique situations, goals and commitments in life.

If you’d like to know more about working together, we’d love to meet you and get a better picture of what you need in a financial partner.

We may be a good fit for each other if you are looking for:

  • holistic financial planning and portfolio management
  • support from an outstanding service team
  • regular check ins and meetings
  • long-term, ongoing counsel
  • a mutual, trusting relationship
  • no quick fixes
  • a clear roadmap
  • an understanding of what’s possible

Curious about working with our team?

If you have specific questions about the value of working together, let’s schedule a time to talk.